He aha te mea nui o te ao?
he tangata he tangata he tangata!
What is the greatest thing in the world? it is people, it is people, it is people!
About Me
Tena koutou Katoa. Nga mihi nui ki a koutou.
Ko Emily toku ingoa.
Kōrero Tara:
Aroha ki te tangata, aroha ki te reo, aroha ki te whenua ( in translation: “love to the people, the language, love to the land. Having positive relationships with you, our whanau is integral to all that we do).
This is precisely why I have chosen to be privileged enough to start my venture in offering external clinical supervision - an adventure that I am so very excited about.
Giving yourself to a career/life in social work in whatever form is a calling and a blessing. It can also be tough at times. The most important aspect that I have now learnt, looking back on my career of 20 + years- in reflection is SELF CARE. We can get focused and learn to be resilient but you are never invincible. Give to others with your heart but also learn to give to yourself. Nga manaakitanga ki a Koe. Emily Urlich Qualifications: Bachelor of social work degree Massey University, Post graduate certificate in Professional Clinical supervision, Certificate in small business management Te Wananga O Aotearoa.